The two worst times to publish a book might surprise you!

Did you know that the date you publish your book plays a pivotal role in the success – or failure – of your book launch?

It’s true!

After spending months, even a year or more, writing an exceptional book and investing in a quality design, you want to make sure you release it for maximum exposure and ROI.

Timing is everything, ESPECIALLY for self-published authors.

In fact, there are 2 times you should AVOID at all costs as an indie author.

#1 WORST Time to Publish: Tuesdays


Because that’s when the Big 5 traditional publishers roll out their new releases.

It’s been their day of choice for decades now and they have two things most indie authors don’t: deep pockets and connections (PR contacts, news room managers, journalists, etc.)

If you publish on Tuesday, your indie release will be buried by all the noise surrounding the newly released traditional titles.

Why put yourself at an immediate disadvantage? There are six other days of the week. Publish on one of them.

    #2 WORST Time to Publish: December

    Despite that fact that more than 40 percent of all printed and eBooks are between December 1 to January 15, it’s not the time to publish your new release.

    Why not?

    There are 3 main reasons:

    1. People – including yourself and your own launch team members – are super busy. In addition to trying to finish work projects before the extended holiday break, they’re also entertaining more, traveling more, and trying to get their own shopping and holiday traditions done. They honestly don’t have extra bandwidth to help you promote your book during that time.
    2. TONS of self-published authors are flooding the market in hopes of a last-minute Christmas sale. You don’t want to be lost in the shuffle.
    3. There isn’t time to obtain critical Amazon reviews before the end of the year. It’s a well-known fact that a reader’s decision to buy a book is largely influenced by the number of positive reviews it’s received. If your book only has two or three reviews, even last-minute Christmas shoppers or New Year’s buyers will bypass your book.

    So there you have it – the 2 WORST times to publish a book.

    When do YOU plan to publish? Let me know in the comments!