time to write
Photo by JESHOOTS.com via Pexels.com

Don’t think you have time to write a book?

Think again!

In this article, I share 3 ways you can write your book faster … and easier!

Find Time to Write with These 3 Tips

Tip #1 – Record

Record your message/story. Yes, literally. Simply pick up your cell phone and hit that record button.

All cell phones, both Android and iPhone, have a recording app that enables you to literally speak your thoughts, which can ultimately turn into your book.

It’s a highly productive and easy way to create your initial rough draft.

Granted, you’re not going to record an entire book in one sitting, but each session can be the basis for a separate chapter.

So how do you turn your voice recordings into a written manuscript? You upload your recordings to an online transcription service.

It’s important to research a few different services to ensure you select the one that best meets your quality standards AND budget. Note that transcriptions done by humans are always more expensive than those done by AI, but they also tend to be much more accurate.

Some of the more popular transcription services include Rev, Descript, and Otter.ai.

Tip #2 – Repurpose

Review your existing content, revise it, and compile it into a book.

If you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner, or a longtime blogger, then you probably have a lot of existing content. Curate past blog posts, collect white papers you may have written in your career, and even pull from old newsletters.

You’ve undoubtedly worked hard to craft engaging newsletters full of quality content, so feel free to go back through them and give that relevant content new life.

That’s exactly how I wrote The One-Year Collection of Weekly Writing Prompts: Write Your Life Story, One Question at a Time.

Every week for a year, I sent out a writing prompt to my email list. At the end of the year, I compiled these 52 writing prompts into a book. Of course, I added more information and made lots of revisions to make it even better than the original emails.

You don’t have to drip your content out for an entire year, though. That’s just an example of how I used that method. But it’s certainly an easy way to wrap your mind around how you can write an entire book, too.

Tip #3 – Outsource

If you absolutely don’t like to write and value the idea of outsourcing, you can hire a ghostwriter or collaborative author, if your budget allows.

A ghostwriter or a collaborative author works with you to gather the information necessary to write your book on your behalf.


To recap, three of the best ways to find time to write your book are:

  1. Record your story.
  2. Repurpose existing content.
  3. Outsource the writing process.

Will it still take work? Yes.

Will it still involve lots of organization and multiple revisions? Yes.

Will it still take some time to write your book? Yes.

Writing a quality book takes careful thought and action. It also requires you to share your unique views, voice, and experiences.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t utilize some time-saving methods along the way!

👇 Let me know in the comments which time-saving method might work for you! 👇

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