As your book coach, Dalene Bickel provides you with a multitude of benefits:

  • 1-on-1 coaching, ensuring your work gets the attention it deserves and your unique questions get addressed
  • a friendly accountability partner to keep you writing to completion
  • a neutral party to read your work and offer honest feedback and constructive criticism
  • a sounding board – share your ideas to see if they make sense for your book
  • an experienced developmental editor and self-publishing consultant who offers tips and ideas


Biography - Life Story

Experience You Can Trust

Review samples of my past work.

Read testimonials from my previous clients. 


Once you select a coaching package, you will schedule a 30-minute introductory consultation with me. On that phone call, we will discuss the story you want to write, where you’re at in the process and your end goals with the book. We will then schedule your weekly coaching sessions.

Following the initial consultation, and after each subsequent coaching session, you will be invited to submit a portion of your work (Microsoft Word document sent as an attachment to an email). It will be reviewed with notes and changes outlined in the margins and returned to you before our next scheduled coaching session.

Each coaching session will provide an opportunity for you to share any challenges you’re facing, we’ll review your marked-up submission together, and I’ll answer any questions and develop an action plan for you to implement the following week. At the end of the four-week coaching program, you will be presented with a project completion plan.

These book coaching programs operate on a month-to-month basis, giving you complete control over how much assistance you receive. Note that if you are starting from scratch, or really struggling to organize and/or gain traction on your story, it is recommended that you invest in a minimum of three months of coaching.


Select the coaching program below that best meets your needs, knowing that each coaching session will be tailored to meet your ultimate publishing goals. Payment is due upon purchase and is non-refundable. Individuals who desire recurring coaching can request automatic payments via credit card (drafted at the beginning of each month).

  • Story Starter
  • $400

    per month
  • One initial 30-minute consultation
  • Four 30-minute 1-on-1 phone coaching sessions (one per week)
  • Four weekly reviews and feedback on your manuscript (up to 500 words per submission)
  • Story Shaper
  • $600

    per month
  • One initial 30-minute consultation
  • Eight 30-minute 1-on-1 phone coaching sessions (two per week)
  • Four weekly reviews and feedback on your manuscript (up to 1,000 words per submission)



Your satisfaction with my services is my top priority. If you are ever unhappy with any aspect of my service, let me know and I will do everything in my power to remedy the situation. It is also important to realize that your ultimate success is also dependent on your willingness to put in the necessary work. I will provide guidance, instruction and resources, but it is up to you to implement them and actually write your book.