Manuscript Editing

BookWorthy Editing Services

You’ve worked hard to write a compelling, inspiring and informative story. Now is not the time to skimp on the finishing touches that can attract potential readers to your book and turn them into clients, loyal fans and happy reviewers.

If you plan to sell your book to the public or use your book to grow your business in any way or launch your entry into the world of public speaking, then hiring a professional editor and a professional designer is critical.

Let’s face it: People still judge a book by its cover. You might have written the next New York Times best seller, but if the cover is poorly designed, it will be dismissed. 

And if you overlook multiple spelling or grammatical errors – or make basic layout and design mistakes – then you’ll probably receive more negative reviews than shining recommendations.

Each book that you write is a reflection of you. Don’t risk compromising your reputation or brand. Allow me to help you make the best impression possible.

How It Works

The process begins with a complimentary 20-minute consultation. During this Zoom call, we discuss your book and the level of editing your manuscript will require:

Developmental edits are comprehensive. They include suggestions to improve the structure and/or organization of the content, as well as grammatical corrections.

Line editing (copy editing) focuses on formatting consistency, correct spelling, and proper grammar usage. 

Proofreading is a light edit; a final read through to ensure there aren’t any stray errors within an already copy-edited manuscript.

Work commences once the written agreement has been reviewed and signed by both parties, and the initial payment is received. Completion time is dependent on the level of editing required and the size of the manuscript.

Fees: $0.03 – $0.04/word

BookWorthy™ Editing

  • Comprehensive developmental editing
  • Professional line editing
  • Experienced proofreading
  • Unlimited email correspondence

Biography - Life Story

Experience You Can Trust

Review samples of my past work.   Read testimonials from my previous clients. 

Attention Entrepreneurs & Business Owners!

The BookWorthy editing, self-publishing and combo services may be tax-deductible business expenses.
Check with a qualified accountant in your local area.

BookWorthy Self-Publishing Services

You’ve written your story and the manuscript has been edited.

Now it’s time to transform your basic Microsoft Word document into a beautifully designed book. This is where the assistance of a professional graphic designer – specifically, one experienced with book layout and design – is invaluable.

You’ve undoubtedly read many books in your lifetime, but do you know how to emulate them? Do you know all of the minor details that, once combined, create the seamless, beautiful layout that you – and all of your readers – have come to expect in a published book?

Do you know which print-on-demand company is right for your specific book? Do you understand the upload and listing process for each online book seller?

Yes, you can learn to do all of this on your own through trial and error. But if you would like to save time and prevent unnecessary frustration by hiring me to oversee all of the myriad details and benefit from my twenty years of experience in the self-publishing industry, then click the button below to schedule your 15-minute complimentary book consultation.

How It Works

During your initial book consultation, you will be asked a number of questions to help the graphic designer understand your vision. What do you want your finished book to look like?

Following the initial consultation, you will provide your final, edited draft of the manuscript via e-mail in Microsoft Word format. It will then be forwarded to the graphic designer who will incorporate your ideas and requests. Note that the designer may not be able to use all of your ideas, and may have insights that you might never have considered.

You will then receive a sample proof of a portion of the book for your approval. If you’re not pleased with it, it will go back to the drawing board. If you like it but want some modifications, they will be made. Keep in mind, however, that the designer always has your best interests in mind. If you suggest something and the designer cautions against using it, then it would behoove you to adhere to the designer’s recommendations as he or she is intimately aware of the printing process and reader preferences.

As the book is designed, you and I enter into a series of discussions to determine the best printer for your book. Many variables determine which printer to use, including your design preferences, target audience and end goals.

Once the printer is selected, we can discuss book marketing ideas and author platform-building strategies, if desired. Note that these are merely tips and resources for you to implement; they are not done on your behalf, nor do they carry a guarantee of success.

BookWorthy Self-Publishing

Transform from aspiring writer to published author with this self-publishing package.

  • Layout and Design (interior and cover)
  • Printer selection based on your unique needs and goals
  • Complete project management, including the upload of the finished file to printer
  • Book marketing and platform-building tips and suggestions

BookWorthy Combo Package

Save when you bundle the BookWorthy editing & self-publishing services!



Your satisfaction with my services is my top priority. If you are ever unhappy with any aspect of my service, let me know and I will do everything in my power to remedy the situation.